Principal's Corner

Michelle Green, Principal
Principal Michelle Green has been making a positive impact in students' lives and has served Tennessee students in various roles for over two decades. Throughout her career, she has been a champion for student learning at high levels and ensuring academic access for all students. She is passionate about empowering students to reach their full potential and building a brighter future through education.
Green was named principal of Lincoln Heights Elementary School in 2018. Under her leadership, the school has achieved continuous improvement in student growth and achievement, earning Reward School status in both 2019 and 2022. During her tenure as principal, her school has successfully implemented programs that focus on growth for students and educators. The positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) system helps students develop social and emotional skills that lead to improved student self-image and success. Teachers have the opportunity to participate in the LeadersNext program, which helps them build capacity in all aspects of leadership. The school has adopted the “Whatever it Takes” growth mindset and has a culture that is student centered and built on relationships.
Green began her education career as an elementary school teacher. She has also served as an Academic Consultant and Interventionist for the First Regional CORE Office and as an assistant principal.
Beyond her work in public education, she is passionate about community involvement and co-founded a nonprofit organization called Children of Hope, which partners with local agencies to support at-risk children and youth in the community.